Shop 4/50 Sherwood Rd, Toowong, QLD, 4066


Can I get rid of my floaters? 

As floaters are mostly harmless, is it generally not worth risking surgical treatment to remove them. Rapidly moving your eyes from side to side or up and down may help move the floaters out of the way. 

Do I need glasses if I have floaters? 

No. Floaters are inside the eye and they are still noticeable even if you wear prescription glasses. Many people with excellent vision who do not need prescription glasses have floaters. 

Why do I see floaters only sometimes? 

Floaters have a tendency to sink to the bottom of the eye. Looking up or lying back may move the floaters into the central part of vision where they will become more noticeable. 


What are floaters? 

Floaters are small, dark, shadowy shapes that float within the eye and are seen in the field of vision. They occur when the clear Kelly inside the eye, known as the vitreous, breaks down. Lots of people have floaters and learn to live with them. 

Can floaters be treated? 

Sometimes, many new floaters may appear suddenly if they vitreous jelly pulls away from the retina quickly. Often this is a problem and does not need treatment. 

Many new floaters and the presence of flashing lights in your field of vision may mean the jelly breaking down has created a tear in the retina. Although rare, this can lead to a retinal detachment and needs emergency treatment. 

Do people of all ages have floaters? 

Yes. Many people see floaters but they tend to become more common and noticeable as we get older. 

What do floaters look like? 

Floaters may look like tiny spots, specks, clear bubbles or threads that move whenever you move your eyes or head. They occur in one of both eyes and it is rare for a large floater to block your vision. Floaters are more noticeable when looking at a background such as a blue sky or white wall. 

How can I tell if I have floaters? 

Most people notice floaters and often visit the optometrist to find out what is happening to their eyes. 

At an eye examination your optometrist will check the health of your eyes. Often this is done by using eye drops that make your pupils larger and allow our Optometrists to have the best possible view of the inside of your eyes.  

Can floaters cause blindness? 

Most floaters are normal and rarely cause blindness. If you see floaters you should have regular eye examinations to help maintain good vision for life. 

If you notice floaters for the first time, or a change in the number or size of the floaters you normally see, you should have an eye exam. Flashing lights together with new floaters mean it is very important for you to see one of our Optometrists urgently.